
These are some class/personal projects I really enjoyed building!

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A movie review app like IMDB with an admin pannel to upload movies and users can rate the movie from 1 to 10.

Node.js, Express, React, MongoDB, Tailwind, Mailtrap, Cloudinary, Sendinblue.


An anonymous sharing website focused on Brown University, drawing inspiration from the app Sidechat.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React

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Personal website

This simple website where I share about myself, projects, and travel photos!

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap

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Mini Search Engine

A web aggregator that retrieves highly relevant results from a parsed XML database based on user queries with enhanced search speed and accuracy.


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The classic PacMan game with core gameplay mechanics, including BFS algorithm for PacMan-Ghost's shortest paths, responsive controls, collision detection, and score tracking.

Java, OOP

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C Shell

A full-fledged C shell with built-in commands, signal handling, and a job control system able to handle multiple processes simultaneously.